- 无论是福特还是其他任何厂商都没有一个高科技品牌可以与之媲美。
- Neither ford , nor any other manufacturer , has a comparable high-tech brand .
- 平台制造商的门槛尽管还没有完全消失,但却已经有所放低。”
- The manufacturer barriers have been lowered although not eliminated on other platforms . "
- 现在我们已经很难指出生产商和服务商之间的区别,而且二者之间的区别也很有限。
- It 's hard to tell the difference between a manufacturer and a service provider and the distinction is limiting .
- 我开始打扑克,是上世纪60年代末在赫尔(hull)一家奖杯制造厂工作的时候。
- I started playing poker when I was working for a trophy maker in hull in the late 1960s .
- 巴西制造业者,例如喷射机制造厂embraer,尽管货币强势,但在海外市场仍具竞争力。
- Its manufacturers , like embraer , a maker of jet aircraft , have remained competitive in foreign markets despite a strengthening currency .
- 过去的12年里他拥有了线框和钩子制造厂,格林布拉特增加了两倍的人数,同时增加了6倍的收入。
- In the 12 years he 's owned the wire basket and hook maker , greenblatt has doubled head count while increasing revenue sixfold .