- 官方的批准和资金支持不过是第一道坎。
- Official sanction and funding are only the first hurdles .
- 就算官方批准使用f,在实际使用上对越南语的影响也不大。
- Official sanction of f would have had little effect on vietnamese as it 's actually used .
- 保尔森的同僚们则反驳说,他们当时既无权力也无资金来批准对雷曼实施纾困。
- Mr paulson 's colleagues retort that they had neither the powers nor the funds to sanction a bail-out of lehman .
- 财政条约的核心是要把财政制度写入宪法,并且让欧盟机构惩处那些放肆挥霍的行为。
- The idea is to write fiscal discipline into national constitutions and harness the eu 's institutions to punish profligacy and excess .
- 或许选民将惩罚肮脏的政治家。
- Perhaps voters will punish dirty politicians .
- 主张严惩罪犯的一派包括大部分右翼媒体和大多的农村人口,他们希望严厉制裁暴乱者。
- The nasty camp , which includes most of the right-wing press and much of the country , wants to punish rioters severely .
- 这次镇压引起了国际社会的谴责。
- The crackdown has provoked international condemnation .
- 其中墨西哥的抗议以流血镇压而告终。
- Mexico 's ended with a bloody crackdown .
- 但镇压从未真的发生。
- But a crackdown never materialised .
- 律师们表示,周四的判决似乎是对一位公司高管开出的最高金额的罚金。
- Lawyers said thursday 's judgment appears to be the largest financial penalty ever levied against a single executive .
- 有些人可能认为那是一个严厉的惩罚。
- Some might consider that a harsh penalty .
- 药厂执行官们有时会对罚款感到头疼。
- Drug executives may find one penalty especially scary .