- 建立和培养你的网络.
- Establish and cultivate your network .
- 为每个孩子都建立一个这种系统。
- Establish this system for each child .
- 最流行的应用程序确立并服务于一种主要的任务。
- The most popular apps establish and maintain focus on one primary task .
- 不管怎样,这个发现应当刺激政府制订政策以鼓励子女和父亲之间增加积极的交流形式。
- The findings however should encourage governments to formulate policies that encourage increased and positive forms of contact between children and their fathers .
- 今年秋天,威斯康辛州生物能源计划的大使们参观了德国的沼气项目,以便制定出发展这项工业的方案。
- This fall , emissaries from wisconsin 's bioenergy initiative toured german biogas programs to help formulate a plan to develop the industry .
- 如果某个批评与你的工作或创作密切相关的话,你就可以考虑下重新制定一个计划或换种创意。
- If the criticism is related to work or a creative effort , you may need to re-group and formulate a better plan or a different idea .
- 他参与起草和传播了一份呼吁扩大民主的宣言。
- He helped draft and disseminate a manifesto calling for greater democracy .
- 自从一月以来,保守党已经起草并发布多项宣言。
- Since january they have published various chunks of a draft manifesto .
- 希腊提交了一份宏伟的2011年预算草案。
- Greece presented an ambitious draft budget for 2011 .
- 他意图颁布一个主要惠及美国最富有人群的不负责任的减税法案。
- He wanted to enact an irresponsible tax cut , largely for the benefit of the wealthiest americans .
- 立法者能够成功颁布自由主义的技师们闪念想出的政策,这使我们更加难以满怀信心。
- It 's become harder to have confidence that legislators can successfully enact the brilliant policies that liberal technicians come up with .
- 更重要的是,为了与这个计划相媲美,国家必须颁布支持商业的政策来保证当地的公司的成功。
- More important to qualify for the plan countries had to enact pro-business policies to ensure that local firms could succeed .