- 2001年,瑞士开始施行债务刹车。
- Switzerland introduced a debt brake in 2001 .
- 随着一些国家的越加富裕,这种经济阻碍更严重。
- The brake is likely to get worse as countries grow richer .
- 他说,债务刹车有两个缺点。
- The debt brake has two flaws , he argues .
- 举个例子,自动制动和公路车道控制系统在很多车型中已经成为了一大特点。
- Systems that provide automatic braking and motorway-lane control , for instance , already feature in many types of car .
- 发射后差不多三天时间,制动火箭启动了,阿波罗8号飞船进入了月球轨道。
- Nearly three days after launch , the braking engines fired and the apollo 8 capsule went into orbit around the moon .
- 混合动力蓄电总是通过发动机以及车辆的再生制动系统充电。
- A hybrid 's battery is replenished constantly by the engine as well as by the vehicle 's regenerative braking system .
- 雪崩在我们身前200米的地方停止下来。
- The avalanche ended up stopping about 200 metres before us .
- 从政策上开始比如,停止生物燃料补贴。
- They start in politics-for example , stopping subsidies for biofuels .
- 停止巴西亚马逊地区的森林砍伐是避免气候变化失控的关键。
- Stopping deforestation in brazil 's amazon regions is key to preventing runaway climate change .
- 因为警察逮捕你之后第一件做的事情就是和你交换电话号码。
- Because the first thing cops do after arresting you is exchange phone numbers .
- 军方向人群开火,杀死僧侣和平民,逮捕了数千名抗议者。
- The army opened fire , killing monks and civilians and arresting thousands .
- 这告诉我们警察的生活不是整天都在拘捕别人或者开罚单。
- This shows us that a police 's life is not all about arresting people and giving people tickets .
- 许多稳定的胸腰段爆裂性骨折采用制动和早期下床活动等非手术治疗。
- Many stable thoracolumbar burst fractures are treated nonsurgically with external immobilization and early ambulation .
- 一组以关节制动的方法,采用石膏管型固定右膝关节,人工制作骨关节炎动物模型作为实验组,另一组作为对照组。
- Group one used joint immobilization method , adopt cast to fix right knee joint , this group is experiment group ; another group was used as control group .
- 结论采用去坐骨神经的方法可成功建立幼鼠废用性骨质疏松动物模型。
- Conclusions using sciatic neurotomy could establish an animal model of immobilization osteoporosis in young rats .
- 在举重练习凳上锻炼一个小时,用拉力锻炼锻炼肩膀,做20分钟的腹肌运动。
- Go bench press weights for an hour , workout your shoulders by doing rows and do 20 minutes of abs .
- 重复多次这个动作你会感觉到你的二头肌、肩膀、胸部和腹肌都得到了锻炼。
- Do multiple repetitions-you 'll feel it working your biceps , shoulders , chest and abs .
- abs将这个信息传回到标的资产经理那里,使他们了解其他的市场参与者在做什么。
- Abs feeds this information back to the underlying managers so they have a feeling for what other market participants are doing .