- 我已经迷失了自己。
- I have lost my self .
- 下面就请你自己看看吧。
- Look and see for your self .
- 更高的自我就是你!
- The higher self is you !
- 她是个任性的孩子,常常惹麻烦。
- She was a headstrong child , always getting into trouble .
- 与刚愎自用的瓦茨拉夫克劳斯总统同派的捷克共和国集权联盟未能得到大多是的投票。
- The czech republic 's centre-right coalition lost its majority in march amid a row with the headstrong president , vaclav klaus .
- 她任性得无要救药,老是同周围的人闹别扭。
- She 's hopelessly headstrong ; she always gets up against people around her .
- 由于独生子女政策以及对男孩的普遍偏好,而将女性胎儿选择性堕胎的做法,产生了一个反常的现象工厂中的女工越来越少。
- Selective female foetus abortions because of a one-child policy and preference for boys has also created the perverse effect of fewer women working in factories .
- 由于萨达姆先生邪恶的明星魅力,瑟苏尔先生的外套至今仍在伊拉克和中东其他地区畅销。
- Mr. cesur 's sales skyrocketed in iraq and other parts of the middle east , his suits now having mr. hussein 's perverse star power behind them .
- 而这只是因为当时倔强的苏格兰足协官员认为只要他们的球队赢得英国冠军锦标,就由他们赴巴西出战。
- That was the occasion when the deeply perverse scottish fa officials decided that their team would go to brazil only if they actually won the british championship .
- 亚原子粒子可能是任性的。
- Subatomic particles can be wayward .
- 尚无任性的远足者通过这种方式获救,但他希望很快能有成功的案例。
- No wayward ramblers have been rescued in this way yet , but he hopes to find one soon .
- 不管奥巴马总统个人想法如何,美国并没有同国际社会一道谴责它这位任性妄为的盟友。
- Whatever the private thoughts of mr obama , america has refused to join the international outcry against its wayward ally .