- 他们都上车后,律师们和工程师们分别挤进了不同的厕所,等候列车长。
- All board the train and the lawyers and engineers cram into separate bathrooms to await the conductor .
- 有个传说是因为他在做实验时不小心在车厢里失火了,列车长打了他一个耳光。
- One legend has it that a train conductor smacked him in the ears after he started a fire in a boxcar by doing experiments .
- 当乘务员到达并胆怯地询问发生何事(对于野蛮人来说太过温和)之时,这位不知天高地厚的白人男子愚蠢地声称他是一名大提琴演奏家。
- When the train 's conductor arrives and sheepishly asks what 's going on ( kid gloves for barbarians ) , the dissolute white man foolishly boasts that he is a cellist .