- 伯吉斯显然喜欢用心地照顾客人。
- Burgess obviously enjoyed looking after customers conscientiously .
- 我审慎而全面地思考了各种可能性,结果连我都大吃一惊。
- I can think of possibilities that shock even me , with my conscientiously broadened mind .
- 但任何一本如此大胆,如此引人入胜,如此以良知辩驳,和如此政治上不正确的著作,肯定是值得一读的。
- But any book that is as bold , as fascinating , as conscientiously argued and as politically incorrect as this one demands to be read .
- 他不得不想到楼梯上有一幅肖像,当他走过以后回头望着他的时候,他总是恳切地目送着他;当他跟不论什么人一起走过他身边的时候,他似乎仍在注视着他,而不是注视他的同伴。
- He had to think of a portrait on the stairs , which always looked earnestly after him as he went away , eyeing it over his shoulder ; and which , when he passed it in the company of anyone , still seemed to gaze at him , and not at his companion .
- 近年来的国家认真修改宪法而后又再次进行修订,结果还是议会势单力薄,而选举则是为确保统治者个人或其所属的党派的权利无可取代的徇私舞弊行为。
- In recent years national constitutions have been earnestly revised , and then revised again . The catch is that the parliaments have few powers and the elections are rigged to ensure that the ruler or his party cannot be unseated .
- 声明中蒙牛“再一次向所有消费者表示致歉”,“我们将认真吸取这一事件的重大教训,在今后的工作中更加严谨细致地执行国家和企业的各项质量和检测标准,在每一个环节上把好质量关”。
- Mengniu " once again would like to sincerely apologize to all consumers , " said the statement . " We should earnestly learn from this lesson and comply with state and company quality and inspection standards with precision and care , making sure our product quality from every sector is approved in the future . "