- 在审美上比较差的下颏-喉-颈轮廓病例,必须强制性的把骨性因素,例如舌骨、下颌骨、下颏的大小、形状和方向与软组织因素,例如皮肤、颈阔肌和脂肪区分开。
- In the case of an aesthetically poor chin-throat-neck profile , it is mandatory to separate the skeletal factors , such as the hyoid , mandibular , and bony chin dimension , shape and orientation , from the soft tissue factors related to the skin , platysma muscle , and fat .
- 但是帕尔伯格主张,世界贫困人口的大多数都是农民,所以将粮食产量与营养不良分离开来是“一个危险的错误”。
- But the majority of the world 's poor majority are farmers , paarlberg argues , so it is " a dangerous error " to separate food production from undernutrition .