- 又过了51天,费尔南多腐烂的尸体在一辆废弃的车里被发现。
- Fifty one days after that , fernando 's decomposing body was found in an abandoned car .
- 大象保险公司公布的索赔单里还包括:驾车者目击一个裸体行人在车顶上跳上跳下以及腐烂的胡萝卜汁弄湿了道路。
- Other claims revealed by insurance company , motorists have cited naked pedestrian jumping on top of their car , as well as decomposing carrots smeared across the road .
- 本周三,在科罗拉多州丹佛市举行的美国司法科学研究院会议上,thali通过一幅腐烂头部的虚拟尸检图像,说明他这种方法的有效性。
- At the american academy of forensic sciences meeting in denver , colorado , on wednesday , thali demonstrated the effectiveness of his method with a virtopsy image of a decomposing head .
- 将此分析再一一细分。
- Take that analysis piece by piece .
- 但是他的分析仍旧不能令人满意。
- But his analysis is nevertheless unsatisfactory .
- 它能取代传统经济分析吗?
- Does it replace standard economic analysis ?
- 但谈判破裂的原因更加复杂。
- But the breakdown was more complicated .
- 那些忽视仪表盘警告的驾驶者将面临经济崩溃的风险。
- Drivers who ignore red warning lights on the dashboard risk a serious breakdown .
- 该协议避免了因希腊而造成法德破裂的灾难。
- The deal avoided the disaster of a franco-german breakdown over greece .