- 她是该所的第一批毕业生。
- She was among the first batch of graduates .
- 下一批邮件无疑会更有意思。
- The next batch will surely be better .
- 还销售伍德福德储备的小批量的波本威士忌,售价7美元。
- It also sells small batch bourbon from woodford reserve for $ 7 .
- 有些人认为这是阶级斗争。
- Some see this as class warfare .
- 参加个健身班或营养班。
- Take a fitness or nutrition class .
- 我要去上踢踏舞课。
- I 'm going to tap class .
- 这种人工痕迹过重的食品让我深深怀念一小包芝士洋葱圈。
- Such handled food makes me long for a packet of cheese and onion hula hoops .
- 如果你喜欢,可以放入少许低脂牛奶或者一小包糖。
- If you like , add a dash of low fat milk and a single packet of sugar .
- 数据包类型由包头中的type码以及当前选定的数据包类型表(packettypetable)(通过lmp_packet_type_table_req消息选定)决定。
- The packet type is determined by the type code in the header and the currently selected packet type table ( as selected by the lmp_packet_type_table_req message ) .