- 同事关系被看作是一个人能否在一个简单的分权的组织中胜任更大的领导责任。
- Colleagueship is considered a sign of whether someone can take on bigger leadership responsibilities in a flat , decentralized organization .
- 但是国家资本主义或许是信任低下的社会唯一可行的制度,在这些地方分散的力量会转变为强盗主义。
- But state capitalism may be the only viable system in low-trust societies , in places where decentralized power devolves into gangsterism .
- 欢迎进入极大民主化的和分散式创新及传播的纪元,在这里几乎任何人都可以发布信息并且找到其他人已发布的所有内容。
- Welcome to the era of radically democratized and decentralized creation and distribution , where almost anyone can publish and find almost anything that others have published .