- 维管束植物会产生一系列不同的小分子信号物质,就是所说的植物激素,它们调控着植物的生长分化进程。
- Vascular plants produce an entire series of different small signalling molecules , so-called phytohormones , which regulate growth and differentiation processes .
- 对业已广泛的固定利率产品进行再细致些的区分,优势真有那么大吗?
- Could the advantages of slightly more elaborate differentiation of an already wide range of fixed-interest products really be so large ?
- 帕斯科夫说,如果银行继续提供与其竞争者无异的服务,那么所有的哗众取宠的大词和在词汇上下功夫的市场营销活动均不能创出品牌的区分度。
- Passikoff says all the buzzwords and marketing campaigns in the world won 't create brand differentiation if banks continue to offer the same services as their competitors .