- wow完整的剑柄任务做完之后,物品给他人他人还能做吗?
- Wow complete hilt task done , items to others , others can do it ?
- 我们在找刀柄的瘀青。
- We are looking for hilt mark bruising .
- 他们把甚麽都抵押了。
- They 're mortgaged up to the hilt .
- wow完整的剑柄任务做完之后,物品给他人他人还能做吗?
- Wow complete hilt task done , items to others , others can do it ?
- 我们在找刀柄的瘀青。
- We are looking for hilt mark bruising .
- 他们把甚麽都抵押了。
- They 're mortgaged up to the hilt .