- 这个便利的工具是什么呢?
- What is this handy tool ?
- 另外一项新的手段是jfk昏迷恢复量表。
- The other new tool was the jfk coma recovery scale .
- 最好的制造就是能够把国内生产变成营销手段。
- The best can also turn home production into a marketing tool .
- 牛奶船团队的打印机是围绕一台二手数控等离子切割机(用于切割铁皮的设备)做成的。
- The team 's printer is built around a second-hand computer-controlled plasma cutter ( a device used for carving up sheets of metal ) .
- 经过一天的航程,巡逻艇到达了距离潜艇几英里的地方并立即部署巡逻艇上的快艇和一架直升机投入战斗。
- After a day 's travel , the cutter got within a few miles of the craft and deployed the cutter 's fast boat and a helicopter .
- 它在哈德逊河改建仓库的新创意工作室包括一个小型工厂连同一对3d打印机,一个激光切割机,磨削机,喷漆展位和其他一些小设备。
- Its new design studio in a converted warehouse near the hudson river includes a small factory complete with a couple of 3d printers , a laser cutter , milling machines , a spray-painting booth and other bits of equipment .
- 其中一位带来了母亲的金牙,另一位带来了一套银制餐具。
- One brought her mother 's gold tooth , another a place setting of silver cutlery .
- 收拾房子指的是把家具按照聚会的布置搬好,拿出要用的碟子,以及任何你会用到的杯子,盘子和餐具。
- Prepping the house means moving furniture , pulling out necessary serving dishes and whatever glasses , plates and cutlery you 'll need .
- 医护人员还透露,她因为吃餐具而接受手术这并不是第一次。
- Medics also revealed it was not the first time that she had been treated for eating the cutlery .