- 就同雕塑家手持凿子工作那样,通过每次经心的呼吸,你会发现自己心灵中的哪个部分需要摒弃,从而能将你内心中早已存在的美展露出来。
- Like the sculptor working with a chisel , with each mindful breath , you begin to see which aspects of your psyche need to be chipped away to reveal the already existent beauty that is within you .
- 甚至非暴力如更多女性遭受的性骚扰的压力,也会集体凿掉我们的自我价值。
- Even non-violent pressures such as sexual harassment , from which far more women suffer collectively chisel away at our sense of self-worth .
- 他不可能只用锤子一凿,而雕像上多余的石头全都掉落立马展现出一件杰作。
- He doesn 't hit the chisel with the hammer once , and suddenly all the excess stone falls away revealing a beautiful masterpiece .
- 你从地里挖出来的?
- You dig it up right ?
- 金姆帮助里克挖墓穴。
- Kim helps rick dig the grave .
- 我挖掘出了这个特性。
- I really dig that feature .
- 显然,插座式匕首于1686年被呈到法国国王面前展示,但最终却没能博得陛下的青睐。
- Evidently the socket bayonet was demonstrated in front of the french king in 1686 but failed to impress .
- 按照这一理论,你买下一个这样的小玩意儿,就从来不用把它插到电源插座上。
- Buy one of these gizmos , the theory goes , and you need never connect it to a wall socket .
- 这个电池可以三十分钟后通过一个特殊的快速充电器再次充电,然而如果用普通家庭的插座充电需要八小时。
- The battery can be recharged in 30 minutes with a special quick charger , though it takes eight hours from an ordinary household socket .
- 而且也不那么准确。
- And not all that accurate .
- 因为这些数据都不准确。
- Because they wouldn 't be accurate .
- 你们的模拟有多精确?
- How accurate are your simulations ?
- 相当简单,但确实如此。
- That 's incredibly simple but true .
- 但经济确实在恢复平衡。
- True , the economy is rebalancing .
- 这些情况是确实存在的。
- All those things were still true .
- 第一步挑选及时且贴切的主题。
- Pick subject matter that is relevant and timely .
- 选一本关于一个全新主题的书。
- Pick a book on an entirely new subject .
- 挑一个振动器或你喜欢的任何物品。
- Pick out a vibrator or anything you like .
- 波洛克毕生致力于挖掘埋葬于我们人类大脑的图像,而他的晚期作品是否正是这一意志的表现呢?
- Could pollock 's late paintings result from his lifelong effort to excavate an image buried in all of our brains ?
- 私自挖掘古文化遗址、古墓葬的,以盗窃论处。
- Those who excavate sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs without permission are punishable for larceny .
- 在摄像机所拍视频图像的指导下,尽管口很小,外科医生还是操纵长柄工具将胆囊从其邻近器官上挖出来,之后切除它。
- Guided by the resulting video feed , the surgeon wields long-handled tools to excavate the gall bladder from its neighbouring organs before removing it though the slit .