- tcl集团主席李东升,斯诺克世界冠军丁俊辉以及画家陈丹青都签署了这份请愿书,据基金会的网站透露。
- Tcl corp. chairman li dongsheng , snooker champion ding junhui , and painter chen danqing are among those who signed the petition , according to the foundation 's website .
- 今年胡润百富榜占据主导的是食品和饮料巨头,而娱乐富豪榜则被在线游戏公司的老总们霸占,包括丁磊和陈天桥在内共有九位。
- While hurun 's general china rich list this year was dominated by food and beverage barons , the entertainment sector list is stacked with online game executives at nine total , including ding and chen .