- 但是电影的主题和吉布森的耻辱完全吻合,特别奇怪的使它成为在这个错误时间里对他最合适的电影。
- But the way its themes dovetail with gibson 's disgrace make it - peculiarly enough - the right film for him to have made in this very wrong moment .
- 昴宿星团是个开放性的星团,这意味着虽然它内部的恒星目前松散地聚在一起,但是在未来数百万年的时间内,每颗恒星最终依照自己的轨道运行。
- The pleiades is an open star cluster , which means that while its stars are bound loosely together right now , each star will eventually go its own way within a few hundred million years .
- 我们控制孩子的新风气中更麻烦的一点是:它包含的正确培育孩子的愿景,在启智方面与上世纪50年代的所有做法一样专断而墨守成规。
- One of the more troubling aspects of our new ethos of control is that it contains a vision of right-minded child rearing that is in its own enlightened way as exclusive and conformist as anything in the 1950s .