- 就他们发挥的公共作用而言,亚裔美国人更可能做律师这种公益工作,或者在公共诊所当医生,而不是出现在政治辩论的讲台后或在银幕上闪闪发光。
- Insofar as they do play public roles , asian-americans are more likely to do pro bono work as lawyers , or to serve in public clinics as doctors , than to appear behind a podium at a political debate or to flicker on the silver screen .
- 五年以来频频出现的暴力活动使得巴格达已经习惯于这种野蛮行为,但是,绝望的工作人员在倒塌大楼里奄奄一息的场景反复出现,使人们绷紧神经,进一步打击了公众对于安全保卫力量的信心。
- Frequent displays of violence over five years have conditioned baghdadis to savagery , but repeated scenes of desperate and dying employees hanging from crumpled government buildings appear to have struck a fresh nerve and further dented public confidence in the security forces .
- 尤其是父母当众打孩子,会使孩子的自尊心受到伤害,往往会怀疑自己的能力,会自感“低人一等”,显得比较压抑、沉默。
- Children playing in public , especially parents , would hurt children 's self-esteem , often suspect that their ability to be self-inductance , " inferior " , appear to be repressed , silent .