- 如果一定要出去吃,记得查找可用的优惠和折扣。
- When you do go out look for available deals and discounts .
- 为什么不出门,去结交一个有钱的朋友呢。
- Why not go out and get a wealthy friend .
- 当墨西哥保姆在美国母亲们(安心)外出工作之时照看婴儿。
- Mexican nannies hold babies while american mothers go out to work .
- 于是我就问她:你当时真没想过照片会流传出去吗?
- Did you really not think that would get out I ask ?
- 如果你感觉身体麻木了,就提前出来吧。
- If you feel numbness get out sooner .
- 坎昆机场已经被大批试图离开墨西哥的乘客填满。
- Cancun airport has been flooded by tourists trying to get out .