- 艾默生的另一个力量源泉是他风格的异常简洁和例证的选材范围和突发性。
- Another source of emerson 's strength is his extraordinary compactness of style and his range and unexpectedness of illustration .
- 爱默生另外一个力量来源是他杰出的缜密的行文风格和广博而出奇不意的表述。
- Another source of emerson , s strength is his extraordinary compactness of style and his range and unexpectedness of illustration .
- 还记得heathbrothers发现的讲演引人入胜的六个要素么,它们是:简单、意外、具体、可信、感情和情节。
- Remember that the heath brothers found that sticky messages have six key attributes in common : simplicity , unexpectedness , concreteness , credibility , emotions , andstories .
- 这个结果并不意外。
- This finding does not come out of the blue .
- 当时我们正坐在巴黎的一家咖啡馆里,她突然说了句:“我怀孕了。”
- I 'm pregnant jessica declared out of the blue in a paris cafe .
- 虽然只有在印巴之间趋于和平的那段时间里,伊斯兰堡有了短暂的民主,但是从印度将穆沙拉夫带出阴霾力邀其参加2001年和平峰会之日起,新德里在帮助穆沙拉夫取得合法权力地位的过程中已不再是小角色。
- Although the only times when india and pakistan have come close to peace have been during the brief periods of democratic rule in islamabad new delhi has played no small role in helping musharraf gain legitimacy from the time it invited him out