- 很多本土马达加斯加人认为狐猴是坏运气的征兆。
- Many people native to madagascar consider the aye-aye an omen of ill luck .
- 星期五也被称为有坏的预兆,因为这是耶稣被钉在十字架上的那一天,也是亚当和夏娃因偷食禁果而被赶出伊甸园的日子。
- Friday is also considered an ill omen because it was the day of the crucifixion of jesus christ and also the day when adam and eve were driven out of the eden for eating the forbidden fruit .
- 长久以来,月食都和迷信与凶兆联系在一起,特别是在战争期间。
- Lunar eclipses have long been associated with superstitions and signs of ill omen , especially in battle .
- 他们的恐吓证明是镇压。
- Their threat justified his repression .
- 现在两者均面临威胁。
- Both are now under threat .
- 威胁似乎已经是显而易见的。
- The threat appears clear enough .
- 对于那些记得起以往石油危机的人而言,这是一个令人担心的预兆。
- For those with memories of past shocks , this is a worrying omen .
- 更令人担忧的预兆是,由于国外需求疲软,9月德国工厂的订单数量下降了8%。
- A more alarming omen is the 8 % fall in german factory orders in september , led by weak foreign demand .
- 这对扑克牌玩家来说可能是好消息,但现实生活又有一部分转移到网上了,这对姚记来说可不是什么好兆头。
- That may be good news for card players , but it 's not such a favorable omen for yaoji that another facet of real life is moving online .