- 同时血液中的凝血酶系统开始一系列的反应,生成长形的、有弹性的蛋白质。
- Simultaneously , the thrombin system in the blood sets off a series of reactions that produces long , stretchy proteins .
- 钱博士又改良了染色颗粒使之对其他的分子也能产生作用,比如被称作凝血酶的血液凝固因子。
- And dr tsien has even modified the dye to respond to other molecules , such as a blood-clotting factor called thrombin .
- 超声引导下套管针穿刺凝血酶联合无水乙醇治疗窝囊肿的临床研究。
- The clinical study of paracentesis using trocar and thrombin combined with dehydrated alcohol in sclerosing treatment for popliteal fossa cyst under ultrasonographic guidance .