- 准心有变化吗?
- Have you changed the crosshair in 1.0 ?
- 那颗星在准星目镜中会被非常小心地集中。
- That star would have been very carefully centered on crosshair in the eyepiece .
- 注意在附加button控件图标后指针更改为十字线。
- Note that the pointer changes to a crosshair with the button control icon attached .
- 而全国的其他邮局恐怕将彻底倒闭了.
- Other post offices round the country may close down completely .
- 在德里的一席诱人的内阁职位可以为此锦上添花。
- A tempting cabinet post in delhi would sweeten the deal .
- 里斯本条约设立了一个新的职位:欧盟理事会主席。
- The lisbon treaty creates a new post of an eu president .