- 检查一下你的空调系统是不是还能工作,夏天的时候空调公司会非常的忙。
- Have your air-conditioning system serviced before summer arrives and air-conditioning companies get too busy .
- 格力空调是空调行的老牌子了。
- Gree air-conditioning is an old brand of air-conditioning lines .
- 文摘:介绍了对上海地区采用变风量空调系统的部分工程的调研情况,分析总结了工程概况、变风量系统的方式、气流组织、室内空气品质、噪声控制、风道设计、自动控制等,对其应用前景作了展望。
- Abstract : based on an investigation of some projects involving vav air conditioning systems in shanghai , describes the general status of these projects , system modes , air distribution , indoor air quality , noise control , duct design and automatic control , and predicts the future prospect of vav system application .
- 用聚苯乙烯泡沫制成的野餐冷却器是一个战后的智力产物。
- The styrofoam picnic cooler was a postwar brainchild .
- 海尔以行业的领导者价格的一半销售葡萄酒冷却器。
- Haier sold a wine cooler for half the price of the industry leader .
- dominoa.l.c冷却器很快就要看到一个评测在公众和业界受到好评。
- The domino a.l.c cooler - of which you can expect a review soon - is being accepted by the public and the industry quite nicely .