- 全世界都与危机解决方案休戚相关。
- The world has a stake in their resolution .
- 对上面提到的解决方案是否满意呢?
- Are you happy with this resolution ?
- 点击图片将下载可供的最高分辨率的版本。
- Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available .
- 她的恐惧转为了坚定的决心。
- Her fear turned to a firm resolve .
- 你们是如何解决的呢?
- How did you resolve it ?
- 毫不动摇的决心也许是得不到的。
- Unwavering resolve may not be available .
- 前爱尔兰革新部部长conorlenihan对俄罗斯当局的果断表示赞赏,conorlenihan先生目前负责处理斯科尔科沃的企业合作关系。
- Conor lenihan , a former irish innovation minister who is in charge of skolkovo 's corporate partnerships , praises the russian government 's decisiveness .
- 这同样也需要决断并勇于承担责任。
- It also requires decisiveness and a willingness to accept responsibility .
- 决断力不是焦头烂额的辛格总理的优势。
- Decisiveness is not a virtue of the embattled mr singh .