- 我们能将决定论的价值高估到要彻底拒绝承认封闭的时间型曲线存在吗?
- Do we value determinism so highly that we should reject the possibility of closed timelike curves entirely ?
- 后者的研究对于一些人来说可能只是在基因决定论的研究道路上踏出了一小步。
- This latter study may be a few steps too far along the road to genetic determinism for some people .
- 生命系统屈服于结构决定论这是事实,但这并不意味着他们是可预见的。
- The fact that living systems are submitted to structural determinism does not mean that they are foreseeable .
- 那时侯的焦点是某个叫确定性混沌理论的东西,一个小小的干扰能导致一个系统的巨变-这就是有名的“蝴蝶效应”。
- The focus at that time was something called deterministic chaos , in which a small perturbation can lead to a huge change in the system - the famous " butterfly effect " .
- 大部分的生产计划模型研究为了简化问题以快速求得生产计划,通常以确定性的模式来求解生产计划。
- Most of production planning models use deterministic parameters to simplify production plan problem and in order to find production plan quickly .
- 假设马克和比尔生活在一个宿命论的世界里。
- Suppose that mark and bill live in a deterministic universe .