- 家族矛盾是另外一个危险。
- Family conflict is another danger .
- 自由民主党也被国内的矛盾围攻。
- The party is beset by internal conflict .
- 还是冲突就在前面?
- Or does conflict lie ahead ?
- 2010年的冲突使日本国内的民意转向强硬。
- The 2010 clash hardened opinion in japan .
- 这是股东与管理者最常发生冲突的地方。
- That is the area in which shareholders and managers clash most often .
- 美国在该地区的利益不值得其冒同俄罗斯发生冲突的风险。
- No us interest there justifies risking a clash with russia .
- 那是因为暗物质不会与自身或普通物质发生太多碰撞。
- That 's because dark matter doesn 't collide much with itself or with ordinary matter .
- 斯普金思想要发现正邪两个世界冲突时会发生什么。
- Sipkins wanted to find out what happens when the two worlds collide .
- 然而对于移民行为的文化解释与整合模式之间也产生了冲突。
- But cultural explanations of immigrant behaviour also collide with belief in the integration model .