- 谁是自由市场的冠军?
- Who was that free-market champion ?
- 本人向来是经济理性的拥护者,但就连我自己也得承认:事情会有例外。
- I am ever the champion of economic rationality , but even I would admit that there are exceptions .
- 自从和布林克利在巴格达狩猎俱乐部见面后,梅加里就成了阿富汗项目的拥护者。
- From the meeting with brinkley at the baghdad hunting club megalli had been a champion of the afghan venture .
- 情况在2008年改变,那时他们赢得欧洲锦标赛,其44年来的第一座奖杯。
- That changed in 2008 , when they won the european championship , their first trophy for 44 years .
- 亚努科维奇先生也可以表明他所获得的一些成就,特别是今年夏天2012年欧洲足球锦标赛的成功举办,是由乌克兰和波兰两国共同主办的。
- Mr yanukovych can claim some achievements , in particular the euro 2012 football championship this summer , which ukraine successfully co-hosted with poland .
- 他进一步说,今年在亚运会和在巴黎举行的世界羽毛球锦标赛上失望而归后,周日的胜利可以让她放松一些。
- He said further that sunday 's win will offer her some respite after facing disappointment this year during the asian games and the world championship in paris .