- 蒙古军队的主要武器便是战弓,由於战士们自小生长在马背上,故而极易令弓骑成军。
- The main weapon of the mongol army is the bow , and as mongol warriors are born into the saddle , they make excellent horse archers .
- 使车辆、马匹、军兵、勇士都一同出来;他们躺下不再起来,灭没好像火把熄灭。
- Who brings forth the chariot and the horse , the army and the powerful together . They will lie down , they will not rise ; they are extinct , they are quenched like flax .
- 格式之战终于完结。
- The format war is over .
- 他已扬言要打持久战。
- He has promised a long war .
- 但贸易战并非解决之道。
- But trade war is not the solution .
- 史密斯先生是位政界老手。
- Mr. smith is a warhorse in politics .
- 然而布朗先生只开了一个不明确的药方在未来纠正问题,当中牵涉到有效存款这味灵药。
- Yet mr brown has given only the vaguest prescriptions , involving that valiant warhorse " efficiency savings " , for correcting matters in future .
- 本月早些时候,小泽一带领48名执行的民主党成员(其中4名之前已经脱党)成立了新党。
- After the walkout from the ruling democratic party of japan of its old warhorse , ichiro ozawa , earlier this month , taking 48 party members , four more have left since .