- 其中包括担心被丈夫抛弃的家庭主妇、因胸肌松弛被人耻笑的士兵、以及"恨嫁"的肥胖女性,有人甚至靠卖血、慈善福利、向亲朋好友借钱整容,或者选择没有牌照的廉价私人诊所来做手术。
- Illiterate housewives fearing abandonment , soldiers mocked for flabby chests and overweight women struggling to find a husband sometimes pay with their own blood , rely on charity , borrow money from family and friends or turn to unlicensed cut-price private clinics for a procedure .
- 如果我们的士兵为了保卫祖国不得不牺牲,那也只能如此。
- If our soldiers have to pay th ltimate price for defending their country , then so be it .
- 2/14阿富汗:在巴格拉姆空军基地,美国士兵举行告别仪式。
- 2 / 14 Afghanistan : us soldiers pay their respects during a ceremony at bagram airbase