- 让小孩子们给作者写信的做法已经变得越来越盛行了。
- The practice of having youngsters write to authors is now widespread .
- 我很快还会再次写信告诉你有关布鲁斯旅行的情况的。
- I will write you again soon to tell you about bruce 's visit .
- 为什么你应该编写一个本地化应用而不是使用移动web?
- Why would you write a native application instead of using the mobile web ?
- 手势、面部表情和肢体动作占人际交流组成部分的93%,只有7%的理解判断源自口头语言。
- Gestures , facial expressions and body movement compose ninety-three percent of communication -- only seven percent of understanding derives from words .
- 当组成中层云彩的微小水滴具有适合于月光偏转的大小时,月华就会产生出类似金属的颜色。
- The metallic colors of a corona results when minute water droplets that compose mid-level clouds are of the right size to deflect moonlight .
- 对比色-深色家具,白色的巴塞罗那椅-和明亮的白天可以配对组成一个温馨的私人空间。
- Contrasting colors dark furniture , white barcelona chair and bright daylight can be paired to compose a welcoming private space .
- 用黑板漆涂上一些赤土色的斑点,便于贴标签。
- Paint some terracotta pots with chalkboard paint for easy labeling .
- 法国大使馆被淋上黑色的油漆。
- Black paint splattered the french mission .
- 而那些钉子也隐藏在油漆下面。
- And those nails are well hidden with paint .
- 你的私人助理会如何形容你?
- How would your pa describe you ?
- 你将怎样形容这本书呢?
- How would you describe this book ?
- 哪五个词可以形容你?
- What are five words that describe you ?