- 在一本书里提到1994年?
- In a book titled 1994 ?
- 如果这是您的第一本新书。
- This is your first book .
- 在美国itunes商店到底有多少应用向服务器传输用户的地址簿信息?
- How many ios apps in the u.s. itunes store transmit information from the address book ?
- 现在,媒体放低了音量。
- Now they are turning down the volume .
- 平均国际库存量超过了美国。
- Average intl store volume exceeded us .
- android还将音量控制和flash视频绑定了。
- Android also binds the volume toggle to the flash video .
- 但愿汤姆知道那件事!
- If only tome knew about it !
- 网球俱乐部于昨天接纳汤姆为会员。
- The tennis club initiated tome yesterday .
- 别跟我提起那个地方。
- Don 't name the place tome .
- 并且你也许会有数不尽的照片放在flickr相册里。
- And you might have countless photos in a flickr album .
- 现有的障碍是唱片行业仍未找到方法来填补唱片销量下滑带来的损失。
- The snag is that the industry has yet to find a way to replace declining album sales .
- 数字内容促进了唱片的单曲销售,让消费者可以只购买自己最喜欢的曲目。
- Digital delivery encouraged the unbundling of the album , allowing consumers to buy only their favourite music tracks .