- 坐在内胎里这个小伙子还说,隔壁街道一家屋子里的二楼曾有一头鹿,结果被短吻鳄给吃了。
- The guy in the inner tube says a deer was on the second floor of a house on the next street and an alligator ate it .
- 我离开驳船,小心翼翼地走向了那只穿进竹绿色的海水的内管。
- I step off the barge and creep gingerly around the inner-tube as it bobs in the green-blue water .
- 就像一个轮胎,当外胎损坏了后内胎会从破损处膨出一样,腹壁内部结构会通过薄弱的腹壁处膨出,形成一个囊。
- In the same way that an inner tube pushes through a damaged tire , the inner lining of the abdomen pushes through the weakened area of the abdominal wall to form a small balloonlike sac .
- 真空电子管体积庞大而又不可靠,还要消耗大量能量。
- Vacuum tubes were bulky , unreliable and consumed too much power .
- 这些蜡筒现在存放在刚纸筒管中,保存状态相当不好。
- Kept in cardboard tubes , they were in poor shape .
- 这些努力相当于给奄奄一息的病人插上了鼻饲管。
- These efforts are the financial equivalent of putting feeding tubes into dying patients .
- 这里要记住的是,对于无内胎轮胎,通过胎圈底部达到密封作用。
- Bear in mind here that the bead base performs the sealing function on tubeless tyres .