- 黄石河已经增加了十倍流量。
- The yellowstone river has increased its flow tenfold .
- 世界上最长的河是哪条?
- What 's the longest river in the world ?
- 市民们用先进的鱼叉在河中捕鱼。
- Townspeople fish the river with singing harpoons .
- 科学家们研究了一种在英格兰常见的淡水虾。
- The scientists were studying a freshwater shrimp commonly found in england .
- 很少有理性的观察家否认对淡水使用需要限制。
- Few rational observers deny the need for boundaries to freshwater use .
- 但新一代的淡水经济学家认同上述两个观点。
- Yet the current generation of freshwater economists has been making both arguments .