- 经验老到的观察人士说,他在针对包容性和多边主义的基调上的转变尚未相应配合以实质性的政策措施,这一因素有可能导致某些关系未来出现恶化。
- Seasoned observers say his shift in tone toward inclusiveness and multilateralism has yet to be met by substantive policy initiatives , a factor that could sour some relationships in the future .
- 我们都想获得成功。
- We all want to succeed .
- 而这与我们所有人息息相关。
- This matters to all of us .
- 这一切全部始于意识。
- It all starts with awareness .
- 现在它们更喜欢渐进式改革和折中的建议。
- Now they prefer piecemeal reforms and eclectic
- 没有什么放诸四海而皆准的经济理论,而新经济思维必然应该是兼收并蓄的。
- There is no universal economic theory , and new economic thinking must necessarily be eclectic .
- 我是一个政治哲学的消费者而非发明者,某种程度上我使用兼收并蓄的方法揉和了这些立场。
- I am a consumer rather than a maker of political philosophy , and I use a somewhat eclectic mix of these positions .