- 重要的是,你的头脑和身体可以因此得到滋养。
- It will be the biggest nourishment for your starving mind and even body .
- 之前的研究表明,学前教育项目和提高营养水平,能够提升一个人的智商。
- Previous studies have suggested that pre-school education programmes and improved nourishment can raise iq scores .
- 他敦促新德里方面把更多注意力放在食物和医疗等方面的指标上。
- He urged new delhi to pay greater attention to indicators such as nourishment and healthcare .
- 我们能否找到养活它们的神秘的养料?
- Can we find the mystic aliment that would give them vigor ?
- 我爱好鸡蛋、肉、米饭、面包和牛奶。
- I like eggs , meat , rice , aliment and milk .
- 牛奶对小孩是有利的。
- Milk is good aliment for accouchement .
- 如果以后不打算留在青岛了,没事又不能买药,那就去一些规模大一点的药店,里面有卖化妆品和营养品的,你可以在那里面消费了。
- If later did not plan that kept qingdao , was all right can buy the medicine , that went to some scale big spot the pharmacy , inside had sells the cosmetics and the nutriment , you might expend inside that .
- 给这猫一部份吃的。
- Give the cat some nutriment .
- 有益宝宝脑部发育的营养素。
- Good nutriment for baby 's brain .
- 为了获得实验结果而有目的地剥夺人所需的基本营养素的做法是不对的。
- It would be wrong to purposely deprive people of an essential nutrient in order to study the effects .
- 如果把一种食物加入到饮食结构中去,那么你不但加入了你感兴趣的营养素,你同时还加入了一些其他物质。
- Add a food to the diet and you are adding other substances besides the nutrient you are interested in .
- 事实上,你本可以确定自己对营养素的需要,但这样做是非常昂贵的,而且结果也会和目前的推荐日摄食量的结果非常相似。
- The fact is , you could have your very own nutrient requirements determined , but it would be terribly costly , and would likely bear strong resemblance to the current rdas .
- 维他命c还能帮助你从食物中吸收更多的营养。
- Vitamin c also helps you absorb more nutrients from food .
- 但随着土壤养分的丧失,每英亩的小麦产量开始降低。
- But wheat yields per acre grew worse if anything as soil nutrients were depleted .
- 最终,表层浮游植物耗尽了可获取的养分使其增长放缓。
- Eventually , the surface phytoplankton exhaust the available nutrients and slow their growth .