- 目前世界已发生了改变。
- The world has now changed .
- 目前的日本也同样脆弱。
- Japan is similarly vulnerable now .
- 她此时简直难以辨认他了!
- She hardly knew him now !
- 我对目前的生活心满意的。
- I am very content withmy life at present .
- 它们实在太好了,现在用了未免可惜。
- They 're too nice to use just at present .
- 可如今哪里都没有这种可以运作的储藏室了。
- At present there are no such repositories in operation anywhere .
- 科学家从利兹大学和来自瑞典3000个仿生学家在2005年4月发行的物理世界上报告了这些推进剂能力。
- Scientists from leeds university and from swedish biomimetics 3000 reported on these propellant abilities in the april issue of physics world .
- 他们由伦敦前往里兹。
- They proceeded from london to leeds .
- 请查一下去里兹的快车。
- Please look up a fast train to leeds .
- 卡夫食品公司拥有很多顶级品牌,这其中包括纳斯比克旗下的利兹和奥利奥饼干,以及卡夫通心粉和奶酪。
- Kraft foods owns a number of top brands , including nabisco 's ritz and oreo , and kraft macaroni and cheese .
- samtani用学校的电脑给远在香港的丈夫发了邮件,丈夫告诉她去丽思卡尔顿酒店(ritzcarlton)。
- Ms. samtani used the school 's computer to email her husband in hong kong . He told her to head to the ritz carlton hotel .
- 她生性奢华你知道的牙买加、丽池酒店、瑞士阿尔卑斯山。
- She was born to luxury , you know . Jamaica , the ritz , the swiss alps .