- 产品筹集的资金被一家第三方私募公司投进了内陆省份河南的四家公司,其中包括一家典当行。
- Proceeds were invested by a third-party private-equity firm in four businesses in the inland province of henan , including a pawn shop .
- 除开他的马前卒梅德韦杰夫,他可以选择更有自由主义倾向的总理人选,例如正在寻求反对者支持的前财政部长亚历克斯库尔德林。
- And instead of mr medvedev , his pawn , he could choose as prime minister a relative liberaliser such as alexei kudrin , a former finance minister who has sought to engage the protesters .
- 资金投进了四家公司,分别是一家典当行,一家汽车销售公司,一家汽车服务公司和一家娱乐公司。
- The money was invested in four companies including a pawn shop , a car sales company , a car services company and an entertainment company .
- 抵押物保险;担保物权竞合;一般债权质押;物上代位。
- Mortgage insurance ; concurrence of security interest ; general creditor 's rights to impawn ; subrogation of guaranty .
- 抵押贷款的遗留问题在减少。
- Legacy mortgage problems are fading .
- 同样下降的还有抵押贷款数额。
- Mortgage volumes are also down .
- 所以,当美联储停手时,抵押贷款利率可能会大幅上升。
- So when it stops buying , mortgage rates could rise sharply .
- 现在许多记者发现自己欠着慈善团体的情享受着他们的资助免费在各地旅行。
- Too many journalists now find themselves in hock to the charities that fly them around free .
- 我们再也不可能还清债务。
- Thought we 'd never get outof hock .
- 你想把自己送进监狱吗?
- Were you going to hock it yourself ?
- 你在质押组待多久了?
- How long you been in the pawnshop unit ?