- 一些人称它是“日本米酒”党,暗指美国茶党的运动。
- Some call it the " sake " party , an allusion to america 's tea-party movement .
- 比如,文章赞美了som建筑事务所设计的金茂大厦,因其实用性和优雅如苏州古城楼而出名。
- For instance , the article finds praise for som 's jin mao skyscraper in shanghai , which is celebrated for its functionality and its elegant allusion to an ancient tower in suzhou .
- 此书的名望来源于他写的几篇相关文章比如“雅语”“矫饰”“无用的典故”“独爱长单词”等。
- The book 's fame derives from the articles he wrote in relation to those matters - " genteelism , " " mannerisms , " " irrelevant allusion , " " love of the long word , " to name a few .
- 制定统一的资本标准。
- Get a common capital standard .
- 按照标准的格式撰写脚本。
- Write in standard script format .
- 难以阻挡的技术进步和丰富的天然资源让生活水平更高。
- Inevitable technological progress and abundant natural resources yield a higher standard of living .
- 颁奖典礼定在12月10日。
- The ceremony was scheduled for december 10th .
- 奥斯卡颁奖典礼将于2月27日举行。
- The academy awards ceremony is feb. 27 .
- 这不是举行仪式的时候。
- This is no time for ceremony .
- 在哈佛,奥巴马成了哈佛法学评论的第一位黑人主编。
- At harvard , obama became the first black president of the harvard law review .
- 制定一个新选举法。
- 2 Get a new electoral law .
- 专利法的一个新的里程碑?
- A new landmark for patent law ?
- 一部好词典有助于语言学习。
- A good dictionary can aid language learning .
- 常规的解决办法是通过字典来检索搜索关键词。
- The routine solution would be to run queries through a dictionary .
- 他背袋中的字典曾为他的后背挡住一颗子弹。
- A dictionary in his haversack stopped a bullet in his back .
- 产品筹集的资金被一家第三方私募公司投进了内陆省份河南的四家公司,其中包括一家典当行。
- Proceeds were invested by a third-party private-equity firm in four businesses in the inland province of henan , including a pawn shop .
- 除开他的马前卒梅德韦杰夫,他可以选择更有自由主义倾向的总理人选,例如正在寻求反对者支持的前财政部长亚历克斯库尔德林。
- And instead of mr medvedev , his pawn , he could choose as prime minister a relative liberaliser such as alexei kudrin , a former finance minister who has sought to engage the protesters .
- 资金投进了四家公司,分别是一家典当行,一家汽车销售公司,一家汽车服务公司和一家娱乐公司。
- The money was invested in four companies including a pawn shop , a car sales company , a car services company and an entertainment company .