- 朴槿惠的回应是,那些没完成兵役的人(李明博由于支气管炎而免服兵役)没有资格谈论国家安全问题。
- Park responded that those who had not completed military service - lee was exempted because of bronchial problem - were not equipped to talk about national security .
- 以色列最高法院已裁决哈瑞第派不再豁免兵役。
- The supreme court has ruled that the haredim must no longer be exempt from military or national service .
- 对于向银行征收特别税的必要性,全球已出现越来越多的共识。
- There is growing global agreement on the need for a bank levy .
- 作为一个额外收获,这样征税还可以缩小贫富差距。
- As a bonus , such a levy would also reduce inequality .
- 此外,对于支持全球对银行征税的问题,各方也不可能达成共识。
- There is also no agreement possible on support for a global levy on banks .
- 马克和一帮战士一起当了周的士兵.
- Mark tried soldiering for weeks with a of fighters .
- 美国军方曾以会阻碍传统士兵训练为由回避使用机器人。
- The u.s. military once shunned robots as obstacles to traditional soldiering .
- 你以为当兵打仗谁都干得了吗?
- You think soldiering anybody s job ?