- 比如,世界上有数以千计而且一触即发的核武器。
- For one thing , we 've got thousands of nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert .
- 诺瓦克从皇家军械库的藏品中取来不少中世纪兵器作戳刺声学天花板实验,研究它们留下的切口。
- Ms novak took a variety of medieval weapons from the collection of the royal armouries and poked them through pieces of acoustic ceiling tile to see what shape they made .
- 我们需要大规模杀伤性武器来保证所有人的服从。
- We needed our weapons of mass destruction to ensure full compliance .
- 许多人拿起了武器。
- Many have taken up arms .
- 这是一场军备竞赛吗?
- Is this an arms race ?
- 地下军火库仍在不断建立。
- Arms caches are still being found .
- 以色列本身一直在武器装备和人力资源上占优势。
- Israel itself has long been superior in weaponry and manpower .
- 这些收藏是由1982到2006年战争中缴来的以军武器组成的。
- The collection consists of israeli weaponry captured between 1982 and 2006 .
- 伊朗在1979年巴列维王朝覆灭之前就已开始研究开发核武器。
- Iran started exploring paths to nuclear weaponry before the fall of the shah in 1979 .
- 采用模拟训练器进行装备的维修和操作训练已成为部队训练和装备发展的要求。
- It is demand of army training and equipment development that the training simulator is used for armament maintaining and operation training .
- 武器管理兵可以使用刺猬炮.
- Armament sailors will be able to use hedgehogs .
- 反战斗机一样不贵,因为他们的武器很有限。
- Anti-fighters are also inexpensive , because their armament is limited .