- 比如在男的私处挂上个汽车电池?
- Like hooking a car battery upto a guy 's privates ?
- 他们切断他的二等兵,你知道。
- They cut off his privates , you know .
- 你连上的弟兄紧张了?
- Got some nervous privates in your company .
- 两名士兵蜷缩在一堵墙后。
- Two soldiers huddle behind a wall .
- 他们只攻击政府的军队。
- They would attack only the soldiers .
- 这些军队在春天到来之前什么也不能做。
- The soldiers could do nothing until spring .
- 农民不过是战争损耗的牺牲品。
- Peasants were the pawns in this war of attrition .
- 村民选举经常被暗箱操作,选举产生的委员会成员只是上级政府的走卒。
- The polls are often rigged and the committees elected simply pawns of higher-level government .
- 他们不过是伊斯兰与西方的对弈的地缘政治棋局中的小卒而已。
- They are merely pawns in a geostrategic chess match between islam and the west .