- 每个士兵都有一个绰号。
- Every soldier has a nickname .
- 但士兵知道这是不一样的。
- The soldier understands the difference .
- 5月24日,一名北朝鲜战士望着非军事区的南方。
- A north korean soldier looks toward the southern side of the demilitarized zone on may 24 .
- 我们与这些人民不断扩大彼此的友谊已经给所有要发生的带来了结果,渲染黑暗势力和他们顽固不化的消耗。
- Our growing mutual friendships with these people have resulted in what is about to happen , rendering the dark cabal and its dogged obstinacy expendable .
- 这些笨重而可消耗的木船顺流而下,把货物和乘客留在这里,成为美国政治经济扩张的前锋.
- Unwieldy and expendable , these craft floated downstream to leave their cargoes and occupants as advance guards of american political and economic expansion .
- 没有人喜欢认为自己是可有可无的人。
- No one likes to think that they 're expendable .