- 约翰感受到了这根刺的锋利,他退缩了,但是他不想让他们觉得自己是个胆小鬼,不能像他跟夜间护士在一起的那样。
- John felt the sharp jab of the thorn , and he winced , but he didn 't want to show he was a coward , not like how he was with the night nurse .
- 他自己也坦然承认是个典型的懦夫。
- He is , he bravely admits , a physical coward .
- 慕容先生说,他在政府的眼中就是“犯罪”一词的代表,而“懦夫”一词则是他给自己参与自我审查的描述。
- Mr. murong says he is a " word criminal " in the eyes of the state , and a " coward " in his own eyes for engaging in self-censorship .