- 每个士兵都有一个绰号。
- Every soldier has a nickname .
- 但士兵知道这是不一样的。
- The soldier understands the difference .
- 5月24日,一名北朝鲜战士望着非军事区的南方。
- A north korean soldier looks toward the southern side of the demilitarized zone on may 24 .
- 来自美国空军和陆军的代表观察了此次试验。
- Representatives of the air force and army observed the tests .
- 这支私人军队正饱受抨击。
- The private army is under fire .
- 墨西哥军队威胁说要对此采取行动。
- The mexican army threatened action .
- 外国地面部队没有进入利比亚。
- No foreign ground troops were deployed .
- 军队则发射催泪弹予以回应。
- Troops responded by firing tear gas .
- 军队目前都在边界严阵以待。
- Troops are massing on the border .
- 私人办公空间是项花费很高的支出。
- Private offices are an expensive addiction .
- •私营公司薪金:16万美元
- • Private firm salary : $ 160,000
- 私有云不仅不会消失,还会继续发展壮大。
- The private cloud won 't go away , but grow bigger .