- 布拉格堡军事基地驻军指挥官试图让布罗威和俱乐部的管理人员能“求同存异”,但是却无法安排双方开会商谈,亚伯说。
- The ft. bragg garrison commander tried to get broadway and club officials together to " find common ground , " but was unable to arrange a meeting , abel said .
- 如果德黑兰获得核武器,将会对以色列以及地区乃至全球安全构成严重威胁,这差不多是一个共识。
- It is pretty much common ground that tehran 's acquisition of the bomb would represent a serious threat to israel and to regional and global security .
- 在自然人、自然人之外的社会组织体都被确立为民事主体的情况下,民事主体反映的是二者的共同之处,指称的是权利义务的归属点。
- Both the natural person and the legal person are established as civil law party , sothe civil law party reflect the common ground of the two : the adscription body of rightand obligation .