- 在历史上,平民主义者的目标是实现富裕和人人平等。
- Historically , the populist aim was prosperity and equality for all .
- 它们眼下必须把保护自然资源及气候当作头等大事不仅是为了维护全体繁荣,也是为了营造一个宜居环境。
- Conservation of natural resources and climate protection must now be top priorities - to ensure not only prosperity for all but also a liveable environment .
- 那时林登贝恩斯约翰逊总统还在促使美国的所有公民拥有公民权和平等权;那时经济空前繁荣、机会无双,国家抱负远大并且真切地实现了很多梦想。
- It was a time of lbj prodding america towards civil rights and equality for all its citizens . It was a time of almost unparalleled economic prosperity and opportunity where we as a country dreamed big dreams and actually fulfilled a good many of them .