


tenaciously 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You have grasped my heart tenaciously .
- 你的固执抓紧了我的心。
- Tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield .
- 勉强的或有不愿意服从的特征。
- They tenaciously , almost religiously , trust their doctors and pediatricians .
- 他们顽固,几乎是虔诚地相信他们的医生以及儿科医师。
- We should not defend tenaciously the idea to the law or justice as the changing of the times .
- 结合时代的变化,不应固守对于法律乃至正义的观念。
- This plant can still grow tenaciously even in stone-filled poor land .
- 这种植物在石子充塞的瘠土里,仍能顽强生长。
- The evil has not come upon you to separate you from jesus , but to make you cling to him more faithfully , more tenaciously , more simply .
- 患难不是来隔离你和主,而是来使你更加忠贞,不屈不挠,一心一意地依附他。
- The result would be more stable structures superior to other cells , also able to hang on more tenaciously to any fatty acids they acquire .
- 这样所形成的结构比其他细胞更稳定,也能更牢固地抓住脂肪酸。
- Why he 'd come to his own life so tenaciously , so savagely .
- 他的生命为什么如此顽强,狂野。
- They hold the lease on the place and if it 's a nice apartment , in a desirable neighborhood , they might hold onto it tenaciously .
- 他们持有本地的租约,如果这是一件好宅子,并且有个好邻居,他们可能坚持不出手。
- The school has the prominent teacher troop which now is unwilling to fall behind , strives for success tenaciously .
- 学校现在拥有一支不甘落后、顽强拼搏的优秀教师队伍。