- 思想不因接触世事而动摇,摆脱忧愁,不染尘垢,安稳宁静,这是最高的吉祥。
- The mind that is not touched by the vicissitudes of life , the mind that is free from sorrow , stainless , and secure - this is the highest blessing .
- 尽管海鸟能够适应生活的变化-食物鱼数目本身会有很大的浮动-但是连续多年过度捕鱼后,海鸟的数量可能会减少。
- Although seabirds are adapted for the vicissitudes of life-forage fish numbers have large natural fluctuations-seabirds populations may decline when fishing depresses levels for many years in a row .
- 一哭一笑,说明人是有理智、有感情的动物,对生、老、病、死的规律有着深刻的认识,对悲、欢、离、合的际遇有着明显的反应和感悟。
- Crying or laughing , all explains that people are the animals rational and having feeling , they have a profound understanding the law of birth , aging , sickness and death and also have an obvious reaction and inspiration on the fortune of the vicissitudes of life .