- 甚至有一次我还偶然结识了一个朋友,他当时经营着一家名叫黑兰花的俱乐部。
- There was even a point when I went to a casual acquaintance who ran a place called the black orchid .
- 一些国家可能具备网络购物所需的前提条件,另一些国家可能具备种植兰花所需的肥沃土壤。
- Some countries might have the preconditions to allow internet shopping ; others might be fertile territory for orchid production .
- 经营兰花的企业则需要合适的土壤、水和电,还需要相应的海关法规允许其运货。
- An orchid business would require the right kind of land , water and electricity , along with appropriate customs regulations to allow shipping .